Appendix I : Other books which may have belonged to Geste

*B10: replace with

*B10 Bible.   [Latin. 1556. Castellion.] Biblia interprete Sebastiano Castalione. Unà cum eiusdem annotationibus.

Entry cancelled. See Catalogue, B35.5 [below].

Alphabetical Catalogue of Geste’s books in Salisbury Cathedral Library


Bible. [Latin.1556. Castellion.] Biblia interprete Sebastiano Castalione. See Appendix I, *B10 E.1.15.


B35.5   Bible. Latin. [ed. Castellion.]  Biblia interprete Sebastiano Castalione. Unà cum eiusdem annotationibus.

Basileae: per Ioannem Oporinum [col. ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Ludouici Lucii et Michaelis Mart. Stellae], 1556. Fol. Cols. 1742 + index. Coll. as Adams B1052. VD16 B 2629, USTC 616550, CLC B1098, Sal. Cat. 68, BiCI (as *B9).


A folio containing one item (1556) re-bound in marbled paper over boards, with no early fore-edge titles or press mark visible. No pastedowns extant. Inscription on tp: ‘1570. |  viue ut viuas Gibelline Holcotae | 56’.  Revised entry replacing Appendix I *B10.

According to his will, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in 1575 (National Archives PROB 11/57/273), William Holcot left books to The Queen’s and University Colleges, Oxford, and to ‘to my ordinary the bisshop of this dioces of Sarisbury or (Sede vacante) to the chauncellor thereof and to his Archedeacon of this shire’, what he describes as ‘my leaste latten Bible and testament w[hi]ch I most noted and used tenne yeres’. In view of the wording of this bequest, it is not certain that the book ever formed part of Geste’s library (which was housed in the Bishop’s Palace until at least 1577), but may have been an addition to the Cathedral Library made sometime after 1575. The book, which has been rebound, preserves none of the usual ‘fingerprints’ associated with Geste’s ownership, such as an early fore-edge title or press mark.

Information kindly supplied by Professor John Craig (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada) and Dr. Robin Darwall-Smith, Archivist, University College, Oxford

David Selwyn


p. 88 n.185: Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green points out that works of Arias Montanus occur in one of the Cambridge inventories and two in Perne’s library, including the item owned by Geste (A52), (BiCI II 551) and there are two by Espense, though neither of them was owned by Geste (BiCI II 323).

p. 89: Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green notes that there was a work by Vicenzo Cicogna in Perne’s library, though not the one owned by Geste (BiCI II 223).

p. 102: Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green points out that works by Joachim Camerarius, the elder, are found in seven Cambridge inventories as well as Perne’s library (five items), (BiCI II 181), though none of these occur in Geste’s collection. Two items by Johann Garcaeus (though neither appears in Geste’s library) are also listed in two Cambridge inventories and in  Perne’s library (BiCI II 371-2), as well as three, and another unidentified work, by Conrad Kling (BiCI II 229-30), three of which were also owned by Geste (K7-9).

David Selwyn